

archive // 2005.11.15 08:51:07 [hh]

Aus dem Lexikon der merkwürdigen Hobbies: Camera Tossing

Der neueste Schrei heißt "Camera Tossing". Dabei wird eine Kamera mit langer Belichtungszeit ausgelöst und in die Luft geworfen. Die resultierenden Bilder sehen teilweise aus wie aufwendige abstrakte Gemälde.

Von der "Flickr" Web-Site stammt die folgende Definition:

- Hands free. Your hands may not be on the camera during the majority of the exposure. Most often that means throwing it. Toss is about fluidity, not just jostling your camera about.

- Experimenting with timers and remote triggers highly encouraged.

- Good catching skills or construction of camera crash nets/pads/bungees/shells highly suggested for high dollar cameras.

- For the most dangerous attempts, use of a very cheap digital or disposable film camera suggested, because they are a cheap investment and pretty indestructible.

- Use of tripods, for reasons of your personal well-being, is highly discouraged. ;)

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