archive // 2005.11.25 08:24:00 [hh]
Digital Film Tools hat jetzt das Photoshop-Plug-in "Light 3" (Windows, MacOS X) veröffentlicht, das es Fotografen und Designern erlaubt, nachträglich Licht in eine Szene zu bringen. Das soll laut Hersteller fast so einfach gehen, wie das Hinzufügen von Lichtquellen während der Aufnahmen.
Das Plug-in kostet 50 US$, das Update für registrierte Anwender 25 US$. Das Plug-in bietet zahlreiche Muster, die zur realistischen Veränderung der Bilder herangezogen werden können. Aus den offiziellen Informationen des Herstellers:
"Realistic lighting and shadow is introduced using the entire pattern/gobo library created by GamProducts, Inc. Normally used in front of lights during photography, these same exact patterns can now be applied digitally to the entire image or inside a selection. There are 567 patterns to choose from including blendables, breakups, Christmas, cityscapes and towns, clouds, fences and openings, fire and water, flags, flowers, foliage, holidays and symbols, moons, natural elements, religion, signage, sky and stars, spirals, spotlights and pinspots, stones and brick, structures and sets, themes, trees, vignettes and windows.
Photographers, cinematographers and lighting designers use colored filters or gels in front of lights. Whether they want to create a romantic moonlit setting or a vicious, angry fight, they have the colors they need to achieve the effect. Digital equivalents of the lighting gels created by Gamproducts, Inc. can now be applied to your light source.The GamColor system divides the visible spectrum into nine color sections convenient to the lighting designer. It is a circular classification of colors by hue, referencing the primaries, secondaries and important subdivisions. The GamColor gels are arranged according to this system, making it easy to locate any color in a logical manner."
Weitere Informationen: light und features/ light3_features.pdf