archive // 2005.12.30 08:00:21 [hh]
And the winners are ... Die Redaktion von Screen2.0 haben ihre Favoriten in 13 verschiedenen Kategorien gewählt. Lesen Sie die Ratings in voller Länge.
Design Bundles
1. Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Macromedia Studio 8 (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. Microsoft Expression (Windows)
1. iWork: Keynote 2 und Pages (Mac OS X)
2. Devon Professional Bundle: DevonThink Pro & DevonAgent (Mac OS X)
3. FileMaker Pro 8 Advanced (Windows, Mac OS X)
1. Adobe GoLive CS2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. RapidWeaver 3 (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. BBEdit 8 (Mac OS X)
1. PhotoShop CS2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Realviz Stitcher 5 (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. GraphicConverter (Mac OS, Mac OS X)
1. iView Media Pro 3 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Comic Life (Mac OS X)
3. iPhoto 5 (Mac OS X)
1. Opera 8 (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
2. Safari (Mac OS X)
3. Firefox (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
1. Band-in-a-Box 12 und 2005 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. GarageBand 2 (Mac OS X)
3. Soundtrack Pro (Mac OS X)
1. TextWrangler 2 (Mac OS X)
2. TeXshop 2 (Mac OS X)
3. Graphviz (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Java)
1. SWF'n'Slide (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Photoshop-Web-Galerie (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. Text-O-Sterone (Windows, Mac OS X)
Interactive Design & Programmierung
1. Flash 8 Professional (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Processing (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Java)
3. mProjector (Windows, Mac OS X)
1. Filter It 4 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Supergraphx (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. Andrew's Vector Plug-ins (Windows, Mac OS X)
1. Digital Film Lab 2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Power Retouche Pro (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. nik Color Efex Pro 2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
GarageBand Expansion Packs
1. Apple Jam Packs 1-4 (Mac OS X)
2. iPianos '05 (Mac OS X)
3. AMG ExpansionPack for GarageBand (Mac OS X)