

archive // 2005.12.30 08:00:21 [hh]

Editor's Choice Awards: Die besten Tools in 2005

And the winners are ... Die Redaktion von Screen2.0 haben ihre Favoriten in 13 verschiedenen Kategorien gewählt. Lesen Sie die Ratings in voller Länge.

Design Bundles
1. Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Macromedia Studio 8 (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. Microsoft Expression (Windows)

1. iWork: Keynote 2 und Pages (Mac OS X)
2. Devon Professional Bundle: DevonThink Pro & DevonAgent (Mac OS X)
3. FileMaker Pro 8 Advanced (Windows, Mac OS X)

1. Adobe GoLive CS2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. RapidWeaver 3 (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. BBEdit 8 (Mac OS X)

1. PhotoShop CS2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Realviz Stitcher 5 (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. GraphicConverter (Mac OS, Mac OS X)

1. iView Media Pro 3 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Comic Life (Mac OS X)
3. iPhoto 5 (Mac OS X)

1. Opera 8 (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
2. Safari (Mac OS X)
3. Firefox (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

1. Band-in-a-Box 12 und 2005 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. GarageBand 2 (Mac OS X)
3. Soundtrack Pro (Mac OS X)

1. TextWrangler 2 (Mac OS X)
2. TeXshop 2 (Mac OS X)
3. Graphviz (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Java)

1. SWF'n'Slide (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Photoshop-Web-Galerie (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. Text-O-Sterone (Windows, Mac OS X)

Interactive Design & Programmierung
1. Flash 8 Professional (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Processing (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Java)
3. mProjector (Windows, Mac OS X)

1. Filter It 4 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Supergraphx (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. Andrew's Vector Plug-ins (Windows, Mac OS X)

1. Digital Film Lab 2 (Windows, Mac OS X)
2. Power Retouche Pro (Windows, Mac OS X)
3. nik Color Efex Pro 2 (Windows, Mac OS X)

GarageBand Expansion Packs
1. Apple Jam Packs 1-4 (Mac OS X)
2. iPianos '05 (Mac OS X)
3. AMG ExpansionPack for GarageBand (Mac OS X)

