

archive // 2006.07.07 08:28:05 [hh]

"Cross-Over Mac": "Windows"-Anwendungen auf dem Mac ohne "Windows"?

Ein neues Tool von CodeWeavers namens "CrossOver Mac" verspricht, ab August das Starten von Windows-Anwendungen ohne eine Windows-Installation auf MacTel-Rechnern (also Intel OS X Macs).

Auf der Web-Site des Hersteller findet sich derzeit nur ein dürres FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) mit Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen:

"When Will CrossOver Mac Ship?

Late July/Early August 2006

What Applications Will it Run?

We intend for it to run all the applications that our current CrossOver Office product runs, with some new additions in the Microsoft 2003 version products. We also hope to offer support for a limited number of games. However, the final mix of supported applications is still being determined.

What Will it Cost?

CrossOver Mac will be priced at $59.95 for a single copy. Volume and Educational discounts will apply. CrossOver Mac will come with 1 year of both Level 2 support and free product upgrades from CodeWeavers.

Can I pre-order CrossOver Mac?

Not at this time.

Can I sign up for the Beta Test program?

Yes, but we have a backlog of testers. The best way to sign up for the Beta Test group is to email and request access to the beta. Please be aware that we already have a very large pool of testers and so your request may not be accepted. We will respond to all requests.

Will CrossOver Mac run on older versions of Mac OS?

No. It will only run on Mac OS X.

Will CrossOver Mac run on PowerPC Macs?

No. It will only run on Intel OS X Macs. Our underlying technology -- Wine ( -- requires an x86 architecture chip.

Will CrossOver Mac work with my printer?

Yes, it should work just fine.

Who Can I Contact For More Information?"

Weitere Informationen: products/ cxmac/

