archive // 2006.11.06 08:00:36 [hh]
Workshops: Photo-Effekte mit "Photoshop"
Auf der Web-Site von "BMC PhotoArt" finden sich Verweise auf 16 Workshops, die zeigen, wie man in Adobes Bildbearbeitungs-Klassiker "Photoshop" Photo-Effekte wie "Painting", "Polaroid", "Vector Art", "PopArt Comic" oder "Watercolors" realisiert.
Von der englischsprachigen "BMC PhotoArt" Web-Site:
"A Selection of Photo-Art Photoshop Tutorials
These photo-art tutorials by different Photoshop artists include painting, watercolor, pencil sketch, pop art and other graphic effects.
- Change the Mood of the Scene: Give a photo a more romantic feel to it.
- Painting Effect: How to add a realistic painting effect to any picture.
- Polaroid Image Transfer Emulation: See how to emulate a Polaroid image transfer.
- Texturing a Photo: Make photos more interesting using some filter effects and level tools.
- Watercolor Manipulation: Make your image look like it's done in watercolors.
- Vector Art with Photoshop: Learn how to use Photoshop to create outstanding vector art.
- Gnarls Barkley Inkblots: Everybody has seen the video Crazy... here is how to achieve the vector-inkblot effect that was used in this video from Gnarls Barkley.
- Princess of Egypt: Take photo of your girl and make her Princess of Egypt.
- Turning Portrait Into Stone Statue: Make a statue from a portrait.
- The Pop Art Comic Effect: Learn how to create a pop art comic effect.
- Abstract Vectoring: Create abstract vectoring, working with layers.
- Creating Pop Art: Create a popart design using an image of a singer.
- Picture to Pencil Effect: Make any picture look like it was drawn in pencil with this tutorial.
- Watercolors: In this tutorial you will learn how to transform any ordinary photo into a painting.
- Hand-drawn Sketch Effect: Even if you cannot remember when you have last drawn something with a pencil, this technique will make you feel like a real artist.
- Pop Art Inspired by Lichtenstein: Turn your photos into Lichtenstein inspired pop art."
Weitere Informationen: tutorials.html, noch mehr Tutorials gibt es hier: index.php? section=tutorials