

news // 2007.03.05 08:38:10 [hh]

Adobe will bereits Mitte März die erste Alpha-Version von "Apollo" veröffentlichen

Die Zeichen mehren sich, dass Adobe kurz bevor steht, Mitte März eine erste Alpha-Version seiner kostenlosen Runtime zu veröffentlichen, die es Web-Entwicklern erlaubt, Desktop-Anwendungen basierend auf Flash/Flex, HTML und JavaScript zu erstellen. Im Fokus des ersten Releases stehen laut Adobes Developer Relations Manager Mike Chambers die Flex-Entwickler. Am 16. März soll ein "Apollo Camp" statt finden.

Dazu Mike Chambers, Leiter Developer Relations:

"The Apollo team is heads down working on finishing up the first public alpha release build for labs. I wanted to give a quick update on where we are, as well as provide some information about the labs release.

The first release on labs will be an alpha release. This means that the build will not be feature complete, and those features implemented may not be completely implemented (such as the windowing API). It also means that there will be bugs (make sure to check out the release notes before you play around with it).

Secondly, the first labs release will be targeted at Flex developers. HTML developers will be able to start building applications, but we won't have HTML focused docs, and some of the HTML specific features are not as far along as some of the other features. The second labs release in the summer will be targeted at HTML developers.

We are really excited to see what developers do with Apollo, and can't wait to finally get it into everyone's hands.

Keep an eye on the Apollo section of Labs and my weblog for the latest info."

Im Rahmen eines "ApolloCamp"-Events am 16. März will Adobe das Projekt offiziell vorstellen, so eine Meldung der britischen Macworld. Sowohl für Entwickler als auch Anwender wird Apollo kostenlos sein.

