news // 2007.05.23 08:42:00 [hh]
Neue Beta-Version von "Google Analytics"
Google präsentiert eine neue Beta-Version seiner Traffic-Analyse-Software "Google Analytics". Neu ist vor allem eine übersichtlichere Präsentation der Reports. Registrierte Anwender können bis auf weiteres die alte und neue Version des kostenlosen Service parallel nutzen.
Weitere Informationen von Google
We are happy to announce the release of a new version of the Google Analytics reporting interface. Since you are an existing user, you will automatically be upgraded - there is no action required on your part. To access this new version click the "View Reports" link next to any profile in your account by logging in at analytics.
For a smooth transition, we've listed some helpful resources and notes below. Also, you will still be able to access your old reporting interface for at least a month by clicking "Previous Interface" below the "View Reports" link for any profile in your account. Other than a few improvements detailed in the version notes below, your data and configuration settings remain unaffected by your choice of interface and your data continues to be tracked in the same way as it was prior to this redesign.
What is new? In the new version, your reports have been redesigned for clarity, greater visibility of important metrics, and ease of use. Here are just a few of the features you'll notice:
- Email and export reports: Schedule or send ad-hoc personalized report emails and export reports in PDF format.
- Custom Dashboard: No more digging through reports. Put all the information you need on a custom dashboard that you can email to others.
- Trend and Over-time Graph: Compare time periods and select date ranges without losing sight of long term trends.
- Contextual help tips: Context sensitive Help and Conversion University tips are available from every report.
The new interface has everything the previous interface had and more. In addition, links within reports make it easier to navigate related information and explore your data.
The following resources are available to help you get the most from the new Google Analytics interface:
A few notes about the new version:
- The new version works best with Flash 7 or higher. Most browsers have this installed already, if yours does not, please download it at
- Google Analytics now uses the same geo-data source as AdWords, therefore, map and geo-location report results may vary slightly between the previous interface and the new interface. For those of you with filters designed for geo-data, you may want to verify the results and edit if necessary.
- Limiting the Available Reports for a profile by specifying which Report Dashboards and Report Categories are available has been removed from the product in favor of the new customizable Google Analytics dashboard. If you would like to limit the availability of data within a certain profile for certain users, we recommend removing those users from the profile and instead scheduling an email to deliver data to them.
Weitere Informationen: analytics