news // 2007.10.05 08:17:23 [hh]
Der französische Profi-Photo-Software-Hersteller DxO Labs kündigt für Ende Oktober Version 5 seines Raw-Workflow-Tools "Dxo Optics Pro" (Windows XP, MacOS X) an. Neben einer völlig überarbeiteten Oberfläche und stark verbesserter Performance sollen zahlreiche qualitative Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Demosaicing und Rauschreduzierung zu deutlich besseren Ergebnissen führen. Die Ankündigung klingt äußerst vielversprechend.
Das Unternehmen zu dem neuen Demosaicing-Algorithmus, der die Grundlage aller RAW-Konvertioerungstools ist: "DxO Optics Pro v5’s RAW conversion engine includes a completely new demosaicing algorithm which produces images with much more detail and fewer artifacts, setting a new standard in image quality. Demosaicing is the crucial step of RAW conversion during which the camera’s image sensor pattern is reconstructed as a visible image for the human eye. Inherently, demosaicing involves trade-offs between image sharpness, details, noise, processing time and conversion artifacts. The quality of demosaicing determines the amount of detail and artifacts in the final image. These artifacts, particularly visible and unsightly, are compounded at high ISO settings and are in large part responsible for what is deemed the unnatural look of digital images."
"DxO Labs’ approach to demosaicing turned a number of classical solutions on their head: instead of only considering pixels with respect to their direct neighbors, DxO’s new RAW Engine uses a ‘non local’ approach looking much further than is usual from each pixel in the image in order to reconstruct detail. This significantly reduces demosaicing artifacts", so Frédéric Guichard, Chief Scientist bei DxO Labs.
Rauschreduzierung als erster Schritt
Ungewöhnlich ist auch, die Rauschreduzierung direkt auf den RAW-Daten zu machen, um so eine Verstärkung des Rauschens durch die weitere Verarbeitung zu vermeiden: "The other key characteristic of DxO Optics Pro’s new RAW Engine is that instead of applying noise reduction techniques after demosaicing, a newly-developed noise reduction is performed upfront, before noise has a chance to be amplified by the RAW conversion process and absorb important fine details.
Combined with other proprietary techniques, DxO Optics Pro v5’s new RAW Engine produces both the most detailed and most natural looking images yet – its very fine and homogenous grain translating into subtle shades and textures. DxO Optics Pro v5’s new RAW conversion engine has been fine-tuned and optimized with the rest of the software’s automated image enhancement features (optical corrections, color rendering, exposure optimization, highlight recovery, etc.) to produce best-in class results."
Weitere Verbesserungen
Als weitere Verbesserungen gegenüber Version 4 nennt der Hersteller: