news // 2007.12.17 08:17:47 [hh]
Mit "Splashup" (bisher also "Fauxto" angekündigt) betritt noch ein interessanter Online-Photoshop-Clone die Arena. Das Tool - derzeit in öffentlicher Beta-Testphase - verspricht Multi-Dokument-Editing, Ebenen, Filter-Effekte, pixelgenaue Kontrolle, eine extensive Toolbar und das Laden und Speichern von Bildern aus lokalen Files, "Splashup", "Facebook", "Flickr" und "Picasa", sowie das Laden aus externen Web-Sites.
Die Infos der Gründer und Entwickler - Dave Brushinski und Hugo Van Vuuren - zu dem neuen Tool:
Über "Splashup"
"Splashup, formerly Fauxto, is a powerful editing tool and photo manager. With all the features professionals use and novices want, it's easy to use, works in real-time and allows you to edit many images at once. Splashup runs in all browsers, integrates seamlessly with top photosharing sites, and even has its own file format so you can save your work in progress.
Photo sharing services all work the same in Splashup, including Splashup itself. Edit your images easily, from anywhere.
Die Macher: Faux Labs
Faux Labs, founded by two twenty-somethings in Cambridge MA, is a pioneering startup located in New York City. It was founded on the belief that the web can fundamentally change the way we fuse life, work, and art, and that enabling technologies should be available to everyone, everywhere. Our first product, Splashup, empowers users to take advantage of advanced image editing and management tools for free and in an easy to use and professional package that goes where you go.
As we look forward to an exciting period of growth and feature updates, ultimately leading to a more expansive vision for the company, we constantly look to you, our trusted users, for your great input and continued support. We hope that you find Splashup to be intuitive, easy to use, and worth returning to when in need."
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