feature // 2008.01.25 08:57:31 [hh]
Neben der beeidruckenden Library "Papervision3D" gibt es jetzt ein weiteres Framework von Jérôme Birembaut (aka "Seraf") für 3D-Modeling und -Animation: "AS 3D Physics Engine" (aka "The WOW Engine"). Die neue Engine kann Position und Rotation abstrakter Objekte manipulieren und diese mit 2D-Objekten wie Bildern und Texturen verknüpfen. Screen2.0 stellt ein interessantes Projekt vor und liefert alle Alternativen im Überblick.
Informationen des Autoren
"WOW-Engine is a free AS3 open source physics engine written by Seraf ( Jérôme Birembaut ) capable to handle positions in a 3D environment.
WOW-Engine use Sandy library for all the 3D mathematical computations (matrix, 3D vector, plane). The inner architecture of the engine is also inspired by Sandy’s one.
Collisions and physical reactions are possible thanks to the AS3 physic engine made by Alec Cove, named APE(version 0.2.).. Even if APE is a 2D physic engine, it is possible to extend the contraints on volumes, and that’s the purpose of WOW-engine. WOW-engine extends APE, and allows to simulate physics on 3D volumes.
WOW-Engine is capable to handle positions and rotations of abstract objects, which need to be linked to some visual objects (2D or 3D). The visual objects can be drawn thanks to another library (Sandy3D , Papervision3D, Away3D for 3D).
WOW-Engine use and depend of the Data Structures classes written by polygonal labs."
Alternative Frameworks