news // 2008.01.28 08:54:32 [hh]
Ein Tool mit dem Codenamen "CocoaKuler" erlaubt allen Mac OS X Anwendungen (inklusive Adobes "Phhotoshop"), welche Apples Standard-Funktionen zur Farbwahl verwenden, den direkten Zugriff auf Adobes Farb-Community "kuler". So können populäre Farbschemata einfach in einer "Cover Flow" Ansicht ausgewählt werden. Die Beta-Version 1.0 kann kostenlos vom taiwanesischen Entwickler herunter geladen werden. Eine Tiger-Version soll in Bälde folgen.
Dazu die Macher Lukhnos D. Liu und von Weizhong Yang von Lithoglyph, Inc in Taipei:
"Adobe Kuler is an online community where you can explore and find great color themes. Kuler’s color themes are contributed by its users, many of them designers or in the creative business. You can share with the community your own chromatic ingenuity, too.
Lithoglyph’s CocoaKuler is a powerful plug-in that enables Mac applications to leverage the resources of the Kuler community. Once installed, CocoaKuler acts like a built-in, system-wide color picker, available in any Mac application that supports this feature of Mac OS X. Apple’s own iWork and iLife suites, Google’s SketchUp, and renowned applications like Coda, CSSEdit, and many more, all work well with CocoaKuler.
CocoaKuler combines the best of the Kuler community and the nativeness of Mac applications. If you work with colors on a Mac, be sure to check it out!
We have just started the business. Lithoglyph specializes in making language and visual design tools."
Weitere Informationen: cocoakuler