

links // 2010.12.13 08:29:38 [hh]

Warum "Google Maps" so gut lesbar sind

In seinem Blog-Beitrag "Google Maps & Label Readability" beschreibt Justin O'Beirne, wie Google die Darstellung seiner "Google Maps" Kartendaten verbessert hat. Er zitiert dabei den Informationswissenschaftler und Grafikdesigner Edward Tufte: "Clutter is not an attribute of information, clutter is a failure of design ... fix the design rather than stripping all the detail out of the map."

O'Beirne geht dabei der Frage nach, warum "Google Maps" so viel besser scheint als die Angebote der Mitbewerber.

Aus dem Abstract: "Why Do Google Maps’s City Labels Seem Much More 'Readable' Than Those of Its Competitors?

For months, I’ve been trying to figure out why Google Maps's city labels seem so much more readable than the labels on other mapping sites.

To me, Google's labels seem to 'pop' much more than the other sites' labels. Major cities also seem to stand out much more. And whenever you're quickly scanning the maps, the label you're searching for seems to stand out just a little sooner on Google's maps."

Direkter Link: 2072504768/ google-maps-label-readability

