news // 2009.07.29 08:54:30 [hh]
Der schottische Softwarehersteller Runtime Revolution hat sein gleichnamiges Desktop-Authoring-Tool (Mac, Windows, Linux) jetzt als Server-Lösung ausgebaut und den Public-Alpha-Test gestartet. Das Tool erlaubt die Erstellung von Anwendungen in der Englisch-ähnlichen Programmiersprache "RevTalk" (vormals "HyperTalk", "SuperTalk").
Die Informationen des Herstellers
"revMedia is a fully featured authoring tool that includes an integrated development environment (IDE) for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The product supports popular multimedia formats, vector graphics, powerful visual effects, drop shadows, OS-native look-and-feel, or interfaces with a completely custom skin. revTalk's unique chunk expressions make it easy to process text or crunch data. And for professional programmers, revTalk includes advanced features like object-oriented behaviors and multi- dimensional arrays.
Registration for the revMedia alpha is free and open to everyone. The final shipping version of revMedia will also be free. Users can upgrade to revStudio or revEnterprise if they need access to an advanced tool set, or to on-Rev to host server applications. The company will shortly be introducing a freely available, user-installable server language as part of its strategy to provide a complete English-like development platform for desktop, Web and servers.
The alpha test is available from"
Weitere Informationen: revMedia