news // 2010.10.26 08:18:30 [hh]
"Adobe MAX 2010" Roundup: Adobe Systems macht die Wundertüte auf
Auf der diesjährigen Web-Developer-Konferenz "Adobe MAX 2010" in Los Angeles hat Adobe Systems einige Neuigkeiten gezeigt bzw. angekündigt. Neu ist ein Flash-basiertes All-in-One-Einsteiger-Publishing-Tool namens "Project Rome" (jetzt als kostenlose Web- bzw. AIR-App Preview), AIR ("Adobe Integrated Runtime") 2.5 für Multiscreen-Projekte inklusive dem AIR-App-Store "InMarket", sowie eine neue auf "Indesign CS5" basierte "Digital Publishing Suite".
Die News von Adobe im Überblick:
- "Adobe Powers Multiscreen Revolution at MAX 2010":
"The multiscreen revolution is a bigger shift in how people will use computing than we even saw with the personal computer revolution," so Adobe-CTO Kevin Lynch. "Adobe's strategy is to help developers, creative pros, and entire organizations express themselves across the wide variety of devices that we are all using in our daily lives." - "Adobe Extends AIR Applications Across Screens":
"Adobe AIR now supports smartphones and tablets based on BlackBerry Tablet OS, Android™, iOS, and desktops including Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems. In addition, Samsung will be the first television manufacturer to integrate support for Adobe AIR 2.5 in Samsung SmartTVs while Acer, HTC, Motorola, RIM, Samsung and others are expected to ship the runtime pre-installed on a variety of devices including tablets and smartphones later this year and early 2011." - "Adobe Announces New Digital Publishing Suite":
Using InDesign CS5, PDF, HTML5 and the Digital Publishing Suite, publishers will be able to efficiently author both fixed and adaptive layouts, natively build new levels of interactivity directly in InDesign, distribute and monetize their digital editions, and optimize their editorial and advertising content for a complete end-to-end digital publishing workflow. - "Adobe Unveils LiveCycle Enterprise Suite 2.5":
At Adobe MAX, Adobe’s worldwide developer conference, Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the availability of Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite 2.5 (ES2.5), expanding the company’s set of solutions for delivering superior customer experiences. New capabilities in LiveCycle ES2.5 include enterprise mobility for improved multiscreen delivery of applications, an enhanced framework for building enterprise rich Internet applications (RIAs), and real-time collaboration to empower organizations to interact with customers and citizens in more meaningful, personal ways. Adobe is also announcing three next-generation Solution Accelerators to reduce development time and increase quality of enterprise applications. - "Adobe Celebrates Winners of 10th Annual Design Achievement Awards":
For the second consecutive year, Adobe has collaborated with Icograda, International Council of Graphic Design Associations, to attract student submissions from the Icograda Education Network, and select an international panel of design experts to judge the awards.