news // 2008.11.18 08:02:26 [hh]
Adobe Systems hat jetzt den offiziellen Namen für sein neuartiges Flash-Tool für Designer und Entwickler (bisheriger Codename: "Thermo") bekannt gegeben: "Adobe Flash Catalyst" soll es heissen und das Bindeglied zwischen den Designer-Tools der "Creative Suite 4" (also "Illustrator", "Fireworks" und "Photoshop") und dem Developer-Tool "Flex Builder 4" (Codename: "Gumbo") werden. Erste Public Betas soll es Anfang 2009 auf "Adobe Labs" geben. Screen2.0 bietet schon mal die ersten Infos vorab.
So beschreibt Adobe das neue Tool: "Adobe Flash Catalyst is a new professional interaction design tool for rapidly creating application interfaces and interactive content without coding. These can range from interactive Ads, product guides and design portfolios to user interfaces for applications. Flash Catalyst enables designers to start from static compositions created in Adobe Photoshop CS4, Illustrator CS4, or Adobe Fireworks CS4 and convert the artwork into applications and interactive content. The designer does this by visually defining events, transitions and motion. Flash Catalyst can output a finished Flash SWF or AIR application that’s ready to publish on the web. In addition designers can provide the project file to developers who can use Adobe Flex Builder to add additional functionality such as connection to back-end systems."
Weitere Informationen: technologies/ flashcatalyst