news // 2008.05.28 08:49:48 [hh]
Web-Editor der Zukunft: "Dreamweaver CS4" goes Public Beta
Die kommende Version von "Dreamweaver CS4" (Codename "Stiletto") wird von Adobe nur wenige Tage nach der offiziellen Einstellung von "GoLive" auf "Adobe Labs" zum öffentlichen Beta-Test bereit gestellt. Neu sind ein "Live View" (Preview mit einem realen Browser), verbessertes Site-Management, Code-Navigation und -Hinting, HTML-basierte Data Sets, sowie verbesserte "Photoshop"- und AIR("Adobe Integrated Runtime")-Integration. Neben dem Web-Tool werden auch "Fireworks CS4" und "Soundbooth" zum öffentlichen Preview bereit gestellt. Die 48-Stunden-Betas können mit einer gültigen CS3-Lizenz verlängert werden.
Das ist neu in "Dreamweaver"
Die Tools sollen neben einer besseren Integration in die Adobe-Suite auch zahlreiche Neuerungen mit sich bringen. So enhält die "Dreamweaver CS4" Public Beta etwa einen Code Navigator und eine Toolbar, die verknüpfte Dateien ("related files") anzeigt, um dem Entwickler die Erstellung komplexer Web-Sites mit AJAX(HTML, Javascript und XML)-Daten zu erleichtern. Damit können Code-Änderungen an zentraler Stelle und zugleich an mehreren Dokumenten ausgeführt werden.
Ebenfalls neu ist der Live View Mode, der auf Apples Open-Source-Rendering-Engine "Webkit" basiert. Entwickler können ihren Content in einer realitätsnahen Browser-Umgebung sehen, ohne Dreamweaver verlassen und einen externen Web-Browser aufrufen zu müssen. Gleichzeitig lässt sich damit zum Debuggen interaktiver Seiten das JavaScript "einfrieren".
Das ist neu in "Fireworks" und "Soundbooth"
Die neuen Fatures in der "Fireworks CS4"-Beta umfassen ebenso wie auch "Dreamweaver" ein überarbeitetes Benutzer-Interface, das den anderen Applikationen in der Creative Suite angepasst ist. Diese Version ist jetzt auch kompatibel mit AIR ("Adobe Integrated Runtime"), HTML, Adobe Flash und dem "Adobe Flex Builder" und kann Designs als PDF in hoher Qualität exportieren.
Mit der "Soundbooth" beta kann jetzt zum Beispiel die Lautstärke zwischen verschiedenen Audio-Files automatisch angeglichen werden, eine integrierte Spracherkennung ermöglicht die Erstellung von Transkripten und damit die Suche nach Schlüsselwörtern. MP3-Exporte können jetzt auch vor dem Export getestet werden.
Seriennummern erforderlich
Die Downloads stehen für jedermann zur freien Verfügung, wer allerdings nicht schon eine Lizenz der aktuellen Adobe "Creative Suite 3" (CS3) besitzt, kann sie nach dem ersten Start nur 48 Stunden nutzen. Hat man einen Produktschlüssel von CS3 zur Hand, können die Betas damit bis zur Veröffentlichung der Creative Suite 4 genutzt werden.
"Dreamweaver CS4": die neuen Features
Die neuen Features beschreibt Adobe wie folgt:
- Live View
View your web pages under real-world browser conditions with the new Live View in Dreamweaver — while still retaining direct access to the code. The new rendering mode, which uses the open source rendering engine WebKit, displays your designs like a standards-based browser. - Related Files
Manage the various files that make up the modern web page more efficiently in Dreamweaver. The Related Files feature displays all the documents associated with your current page, whether CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or XML, in a bar along the top of your document. - Code Navigator
The new Code Navigator pop-up window shows you all the code sources that affect your current selection. A click in either Code or Design view brings up the Code Navigator pop-up, which displays CSS rules, server-side includes, external JavaScript functions, Dreamweaver templates, Library files, iframe source files, and more. - CSS best practices
The Property inspector’s new CSS tab shows the styles for the current selection as well as all the applicable CSS rules. Hover over any property to view a tool tip with jargon-free English explanations of CSS principles. New CSS rules can be created and applied in the Property inspector panel and stored in the same document or an external style sheet. - Code hinting for Ajax and JavaScript frameworks
Write JavaScript more quickly and accurately with improved support for JavaScript core objects and primitive data types. Work with popular JavaScript frameworks including jQuery, Prototype, and Spry. - HTML data sets
With HTML data sets functionality, you can create your data in a standard HTML table, a series of div tags, or even an unordered list and then choose Insert > Spry > Spry Data Set to integrate that data into a dynamic table on the page with sortable columns, a master-detail layout, or other sophisticated displays. - Photoshop Smart Objects
Photoshop and Dreamweaver integration has evolved to the next level of compatibility and functionality. Drag and drop an Adobe Photoshop PSD file into a Dreamweaver page to create an image Smart Object. - Subversion integration
Dreamweaver integrates Subversion software for a more robust check-in/check-out experience with file versioning, rollback, and more. Once you’ve defined Subversion as your version control system, you can update your site to get the latest versions of its pages directly from within Dreamweaver; no third-party utility or command-line interface is required. - Adobe AIR™ authoring support
Create multiplatform desktop applications from your Dreamweaver HTML and JavaScript sites with new Adobe AIR™ authoring support. - New user interface
Work faster and smarter across Dreamweaver and other components of the next version of Adobe Creative Suite thanks to a new level of integration and common user interface elements.
"Dreamweaver CS4": Fragen und Antworten von Adobe
What is the Dreamweaver beta?
Dreamweaver beta software is a preview of the next release of the web authoring tool that helps enable users to efficiently design, develop, and maintain standards-based websites and applications.
What are a few of the new features in the Dreamweaver beta?
Dreamweaver beta has many new features, including:
- Live View
- Related Files
- Code Navigator
- CSS best practices
- Code hinting for Ajax and JavaScript frameworks
- HTML data sets
- Photoshop Smart Objects
- Subversion integration
- Adobe AIR™ authoring support
- New user interface
What languages is the Dreamweaver beta available in?
The Dreamweaver beta is currently available only in English.
Can I get any technical support?
Technical support is not provided; however, members of the Dreamweaver team will be participating in the user-to-user community forums.
How do I know if I’m qualified for the Dreamweaver beta?
You can download and try out the Dreamweaver beta for 48 hours. In order to activate the Dreamweaver beta and use it beyond the 48-hour trial period, you must be a registered owner of either Dreamweaver CS3 (full, upgrade, or education) or Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Standard, Web Premium, or Design Premium (full, upgrade, or education).
Who should use the Dreamweaver beta?
Both web designers and web developers should use the Dreamweaver beta.
Are any other products within the Adobe Creative Suite available as betas?
Yes, Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Soundbooth are both available as betas.
What are the system requirements?
The minimum system requirements are as follows:
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Centrino, Intel Xeon, or Intel Core™ Duo (or compatible) processor
- OS: Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista™ Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit editions)
- RAM: 512 MB
- Hard Disk: 1 GB of free space
- 1,280 x 800 monitor resolution with 16-bit or greater video card
- Internet connection for activation
- Processor: PowerPC G5 or multicore Intel processor
- OS: Mac OS 10.4.11 or 10.5
- RAM: 512 MB
- Hard Disk: 1 GB of free space
- 1,280 x 800 monitor resolution with 16-bit or greater video card
- Internet connection for activation
Release Notes
This is a public beta, not a final release. Neither the quality nor the features are complete yet. We want to show you our direction and get your feedback so that we can incorporate it into future releases. Please read the detailed release notes for information about the Dreamweaver beta.
Weitere Informationen: "Dreamweaver CS4": technologies/ dreamweavercs4/, alle Previews: