hints & tips, links, news // 2011.03.09 08:05:04 [hh]
Bei der "Adobe MAX 2010" wurde eine experimentelle Technologie vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe man Flash-Animationen in HTML 5 konvertieren kann. Diese "Technology Preview" (Codename "Wallaby") für Mac und Windows kann jetzt von "Adobe Labs" kostenlos herunter geladen und ausprobiert werden. Adobe hat sich jedoch bislang noch nicht zu einer offiziellen "Road Map" committed.
Executive Summary (in englisch)
Der Hersteller auf seinem "Adobe Labs"-Portal: "'Wallaby' is the codename for an experimental technology that converts the artwork and animation contained in Adobe Flash Professional (FLA) files into HTML. This allows you to reuse and extend the reach of your content to devices that do not support the Flash runtimes. Once these files are converted to HTML, you can edit them with an HTML editing tool, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, or by hand if desired. You can view the output in one of the supported browsers or on an iOS device.
Please note that not all Flash Professional features are supported in the HTML5 format. The Wallaby Release Notes describe what features are supported, what differences we have already discovered between the various browsers, what device variations have been found, and any currently known issues."
Fragen und Antworten von Adobe (in englisch)
"What is Wallaby? Wallaby is a preview of an experimental technology that Adobe engineers have been working on to enable customers to covert some of their FLA files to HTML.
What is a typical use case for Wallaby? Wallaby can be used to convert simple ads that run on Flash to also run within a browser leveraging HTML.
When is it available? It is available now on Adobe Labs as a free download.
How do I provide feedback regarding Wallaby? Please download the tool, explore it and provide us with feedback on the Wallaby discussion forum. We invite you to give us input on the usage of Wallaby and various use cases that you find it most relevant for.
What languages are supported? Wallaby is currently available in English only. Adobe does not comment on all aspects of the future of its products or technologies.
How is Wallaby related to Adobe Creative Suite® or Flash Professional products? Wallaby is currently NOT part of either Adobe Creative Suite or Flash Professional. It is an experimental standalone technology that we have been working on. At this time, we cannot comment on whether Wallaby will be part of any of our Creative Suite products.
Is it a free download? Yes, Wallaby is available as a free download on our Adobe Labs pages.
Who should use Wallaby? Wallaby is meant for customers who are looking to leverage their existing Flash Professional knowledge to expand the scope and reach of their content to HTML. It is also meant for developers who want to convert .FLA files to HTML. Customers can then further edit the generated HTML code.
How is this related to the Flash-to-HTML conversion tool shown at MAX 2010? At MAX 2010, Adobe showcased this tool only as a sneak preview. Until now, Wallaby has not been available publicly for customers. This tool is now available on Adobe Labs for our customers to provide feedback.
Where can I get more information on Wallaby? Please refer to the release notes and the technical tips for more information on Wallaby.
System Requirements & Release Notes
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