

links, hints & tips // 2010.10.14 08:23:00 [hh]

"PixelBender": algorithmische Filter für "Photoshop" & Co

Mit dem kostenlosen "PixelBender" hat Adobe Systems einen interessanten Ansatz kreiert, um Filter zu verfassen, die völlig Hardware-unabhängig sind, und dennoch verfügbare Grafikkarten nutzen können. Die Technologie kann auch als Plug-in in "Photoshop CS5" genutzt werden.

Der Hersteller zu seiner Technologie: "Adobe Pixel Bender technology delivers a common image and video processing infrastructure which provides automatic runtime optimization on heterogeneous hardware. You can use the Pixel Bender kernel language to implement image processing algorithms (filters or effects) in a hardware-independent manner. The Pixel Bender graph language is an XML-based language for combining individual pixel-processing operations (kernels) into more complex Pixel Bender filters.

The Adobe Pixel Bender Plug-in (v2.1) for Adobe Photoshop CS5 supports processing of Pixel Bender filters on images opened in Photoshop CS5. These filters can be executed on the graphics card (GPU) or CPU of a computer. Pixel Bender customers as well as members of the Adobe Pixel Bender team have authored the filters that are included in this download."

Damit ist dieses Plug-in eine Alternative zu "Filter Forge".

Weitere Informationen: technologies/ pixelbenderplugin

