news // 2009.10.27 08:35:40 [hh]
Das Node-basierte "Photoshop"-Plug-in zur Generierung von eigenen komplexen Filtern und Mustern ist jetzt als Beta-Version für Windows und Mac OS X auf der Web-Site des Herstellers Filter Forge, Inc. verfügbar. Neu sind in der ersten Beta-Fassung ("Stage 1") HDR(HighDynamic Range)-Support, eine Partikel-Komponente ("Bomber"), Gamma-spezifische Workflows, eine Instant-Suche für User-Filter, sowie weitere Komponenten ("Median", "Maximum", "Minimume", "Percentile", "Polygon", "Ellipse").
Die Informationen des Herstellers: "We have released the long-anticipated beta of Filter Forge 2.0. Try the beta to explore the new possibilities offered by the new powerful Filter Forge and take your creativity to the next level! The beta is a 30-day fully functional trial of Filter Forge Professional 2.0. This is the first stage of the beta test, with more stages to come.
The testing is to be done in several stages, with new features added at every stage.
All owners of Filter Forge 1.0 can get a free 2.0 beta key for the same edition valid till the end of the beta test. Please note that this key will not work with the commercial 2.0 version. To request the beta key, click here.
Filters made with the 2.0 beta can't be submitted into the online filter library. This also means filters made in the 2.0 beta don't qualify for reward points."
Weitere Informationen: download/ beta2