news // 2010.02.22 08:50:28 [hh]
Kara Swisher von dem auf "All Things Digital" publizierten Web-Magazin "BoomTown" hat Adobe Systems Chief Technology Officer (CTO) über die jüngsten Vorwürfe bzgl. Stabilität und Performance des "Flash Players" gesprochen. Für ihn ist fortgesetzte Innovation der Schlüssel für den Erfolg von "Flash" gegenüber HTML 5. Außerdem würden heute 98% aller Top Web Sites Flash-Content verwenden.
Zu Apples fehlendem "Flash"-Support bei "iPhone" und "iPad" sagt Lynch: "Well, there's a lot of Flash content on the Web, and so, right now about 85% of the top websites have Flash on their website. So if you want to view the whole Web, not having the ability to view Flash really is kind of limiting in terms of the experience on the devices, and so we're really focused on making sure that we can bring the ability to view Flash content and interact with it across all of these devices...I'm hopeful in the smartphone space, for example, that as people start to see that you can get a great experience with Flash in the smartphone, for example on Android, and Palm, and Nokia, and RIM, and these other devices, that that will encourage others to adopt Flash as well on their devices."
Weitere Informationen: 20100217/ adobes-cto-kevin-lynch-talks-about-apple-insults-flashs-future-and-more
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