news // 2008.04.10 08:15:26 [hh]
Heute scheint der Tag ganz im Zeichen von Video im Web zu stehen. Adobe hat "Adobe TV" und die offizielle Version 1.0 seines "Adobe Media Players" - einer auf AIR ("Adobe Integrated Runtime") basierendes Programm zum Abspielen von Flash Videos, Yahoo hat Videos zu seiner Photo Community "flickr" hinzugefügt. Screen2.0 bringt die Hintergründe und beantwortet die häufigsten Fragen.
All diese Ankündigungen sind natürlich im Kontext des extrem erfolgreichen, kostenlosen Video-Portals "YouTube" zu sehen, das für andere Unternehmen immer mehr zu einer Art Blue Print für Web Services wird.
"flickr": Videos als "lange Photos"
Leider sind die Uploads bei "flickr" auf 90 Sekunden bzw. 150 Megabytes beschränkt, was das Portal nicht gerade zur Nummer-Eins-Destination für Web Videos machen dürfte. Zunächst dürfen nur Pro-User kostenlos Videos hochladen. Dafür sind Uploads und Publikationseinstellungen weitgehend gut gelöst.
Yahoo zu seinem Service: "Wenn ihr einen Pro Account habt, könnt ihr ab sofort eure Videos mit einer Länge von bis zu glorreichen 90 Sekunden der ganzen Welt präsentieren.
90 Sekunden? Auch wenn das vielleicht wie eine willkürliche Einschränkung aussieht, haben wir lange Zeit darüber nachgedacht, wie Videos mit dem Flickrversum zusammenspielen würden. Wenn ihr euch an die Community-Richtlinien erinnert, wisst ihr, dass es bei Flickr hauptsächlich ums Teilen von Fotos geht, die ihr selbst aufgenommen habt. Videos sind da keine Ausnahme, und deshalb kam uns schnell die Idee sie als 'lange Fotos' zu sehen, als das Festhalten und Teilen von Augenblicken im Leben.
Innerhalb der letzten Wochen haben wir eine streng geheime Beta-Gruppe betrieben, um die letzten Macken auszubügeln. Schaut euch doch einfach einige unserer Favoriten in Video! Video! Video! an."
Unter den "Video FAQs" finden Nutzer Antworten auf einige ihrer Fragen.
AMP it up: "Adobe Media Player 1.0"
Danke Adobes AIR Runtime können Nutzer nun ganz komfortabel auf Web-Video-Content zugreifen. Das Software-Unternehmen lotet mit diesem Schritt alternative werbefinanzierte Einkunftsquellen der Zukunft aus.
Die kostenlose Anwendung kann von go/ mp direkt bezogen und installiert werden.
"With Adobe Media Player, we’re bringing viewers and content owners closer together, with an experience that doesn’t constrain them by platform or proprietary software application," glaubt John Loiacono, Senior Vice President des Creative Solutions bei Adobe. "It’s a merger of TV Guide and DVR for Internet video content. Some great shows, like The Hills from MTV and CSI from CBS, is already available to view and more will be coming soon."
Weitere Informationen zu Player und Content-Kooperationen finden sich auf den Produkt-Seiten von Adobe.
Zeitgleich jetzt auch "Adobe TV": startet
Adobe hat jetzt auch beinahe zeitgleich sein Business-orientiertes Portal "Adobe TV" gestartet, das Videos rund um Adobe-Produkte bietet, aus den Themenbereichen Photographie, Design, Videobearbeitung, sowie Web-Entwicklung.
Fragen und Antworten zu AMP von Adobe (in englisch)
What is Adobe Media Player?
Adobe Media Player software provides viewers with control and flexibility to watch what they want, when they want — whether online or offline. Users can download and subscribe to their favorite Internet TV content and manage their personal video library for viewing at their convenience.
What is the difference between Adobe Media Player and Adobe Flash Player?
The Adobe Flash Player runtime is a cross-platform browser extension that plays back SWF and FLV/MPEG-4 content within web pages when a user is online. Adobe Media Player is a cross-platform desktop application specifically designed to play back streamed or downloaded FLV or MPEG-4 video content when users are online or offline. It offers a wealth of features for discovering, organizing, and subscribing to video content — even automatically downloading subscribed episodes so they can be viewed anytime.
How large is Adobe Media Player to download?
Adobe Media Player is lightweight, about 2MB–3MB in size.
On which operating systems does Adobe Media Player run?
Adobe Media Player is built on top of the Adobe AIR™ runtime and is cross-platform, running on both Windows and Mac OS. See the most recent Release Notes for more detailed information and system requirements.
Have there been any changes to the product since the prerelease version?
There have been minor changes to the user interface such as highlighting features on the home page and in the catalog.
How much does Adobe Media Player cost viewers?
Adobe Media Player is free for viewers to download and subscribe to content.
What revenue options does Adobe Media Player offer content providers?
Adobe Media Player provides new ways to monetize your media assets, such as banners, in-rolls, and bugs. And with contextual advertising placement, ads in Adobe Media Player have higher recall and response rates. Content publishers can also enter into advertising contracts with Adobe for additional revenue streams. To submit your content for review, fill out this form and Adobe will contact you.
How does Adobe Media Player handle subscriptions?
Users can subscribe to their favorite shows and will automatically receive new episodes as they become available. Shows are delivered as simple RSS feeds, so Adobe Media Player will automatically download new content as the feeds update.
How extensive is the Adobe Media Player catalog?
A broad, searchable catalog of shows from the leading media companies and networks is featured and will be continually expanded to include video from independent producers as well as user-generated content.
Does Adobe Media Player also play back local content?
Yes, local video content such as personal videos can be added to your catalog and played back in Adobe Media Player, as long as they are in FLV (Spark or VP6 codec) or MPEG-4 (H.264 codec) format.
As a content publisher, can I control the look and feel of my channel?
Yes, you can create a channel with customizable interface elements and backgrounds.
Is the video in Adobe Media Player served using progressive or streaming delivery?
Media content can be distributed to Adobe Media Player using either standard progressive download or streaming. Progressive download is the method most used by current podcasters and other online media distribution systems, where a file is downloaded and stored on the user's computer. For streaming delivery, Adobe Media Player uses the RTMP and new RTMPE protocols supported by Adobe Flash Media Server 3 software.
Is Adobe Media Player content censored or regulated in any way?
To help filter out inappropriate or illegal content, shows can be flagged by viewers. Flagged content is reviewed by Adobe Media Player administrators, and flagged feeds may be disabled. Parental controls are planned in a future release.
Does Adobe Media Player reveal audience metrics and other data about viewers to content providers?
By default, Adobe Media Player anonymously measures viewer usage and returns this data to Adobe. Viewers can opt out of these audience measurement statistics. However, content publishers may specify that measurement be enabled to view their content. In addition, some content publishers may require a login or other identity verification to access their content.