news, links // 2011.05.06 08:13:27 [hh]
Gleich zwei neue interessante Tool sollen bei der Erstellung von Comics auf und für das "iOS" ("iPad", "iPhone", "iPod touch") helfen: "Kwik 1.0" ist ein "Photoshop"-Plug-in zur Erstellung von interaktivem Content für "iOS", "Comic Life for iPad" ist eine Portierung des legendären Comic-Tools "Comic Life" (Mac, Windows).
"Kwik 1.0" von Kwiksher
"Kwik 1.0" von Kwiskher (80 US-Dollar, Einführungspreis: 50 US-Dollar) ist ein Plug-in für "Adobe Photoshop CS5" (Mac OS 10.5.8 oder neuer). das die Erstellung von interkativem Content für das "Corona SDK" von Ansca Mobile erlaubt, das wiederum die Erstellung von Apps für "iOS" und "Android" erlaubt. Zum Aufspielen ist das "iPhone SDK" von Apple notwendig.
What is Kwik? Kwik is a plugin for Adobe Photoshop which allows designers and illustrators to create comics and interactive books for iOS and Android mobile devices. What do I need to create my projects? Kwik requires Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Corona SDK to create and preview projects. When ready to test or publish your projects to iOS devices (iPad, iPhone and iPod), you will also need the Apple developer tools (meaning you must be an iOS certified developer and pay the US$99/year fee). For Android devices, you need to be an Android certified developer in order to publish your apps. What is the difference between a comic and an interactive book? A comic is basically a group of portrait pages (you can flip them like a magazine) with "cameras" attached. A camera allows the users to "zoom in" into a comic strip. An interactive book has much more features: you can add audio, buttons with different actions and animations. What is the list of features Kwik has today? The current version allows users to create comics with several pages and "cameras". For book projects, you can have landscape or portrait pages with audio (per page or element), linear animations, sprite sheet animations, and button actions: go to page, play audio, play animation, and mute/unmute sound What is the difference between linear and sprite sheet animation? Linear animations is a simple way to move objects around the screen. Basically you inform where a layer object will move (X and Y) and the duration of the movement. Sprite sheets are files containing several poses of an element, enabling designers to create powerfull and complex animations. The videos show how to use them. How to create sprite sheet animations? There are several tools dedicated to create sprite sheet available in the market. However, for basic sheets, you can use the companion script which is installed with Kwik. Check the Creating Sprite Sheet video in the home page to lean how to create yours. Why do I need to supply my Photoshop serial number? Kwik product id uses Photoshop's serial number as a security features. It guarantees that nobody besides you will be able to use the product you purchased. Can I use one license in multiple computers? It depends. If you have the same Photoshop installed in several computers (same serial number), Kwik's product id will work fine in all of them. If you have more than one Photoshop serial number, you will need different Kwik product id for each installation. For price discount in multiple installation, feel free to contact us and ask for more info. I do not have skills to publish apps by myself. Can you help me? Yes. In a near future you will be able to use Kwiksher (Kwik+Publisher) to do that from Kwik. Meanwhile, just contact us and ask for more info. Is there a document to help me to build my projects for iOS and Android? The best ones for starters come from Ansca: iOS and Android Can I add more interactions to my projects? Future updates will bring more animation types and button actions. Also, if you are a developer, you can extend your projects adding your own code. Kwik publishes projects in native LUA/Corona code. Can I create full apps with Kwik? Kwik targets designers and illustrators working with comics, magazines and interactive books. Kwik is not an IDE for developement of full apps. However, if you are a developer (see next question), you can have benefits in using the plugin. Also, we strongly recommend our users to provide feedback on the next big features they need. Saying that, the sky is the limit for future features. Just let us know! I am already a Corona developer. Why should I buy Kwik? If you use Photoshop, Kwik will speed up your development flow, quickly exporting your project layers and pages, as well as adding the basic code for more complex projects. With that, you spend more time coding than positioning and exporting layers.
"Comic Life for iPad"
Plasq hat jetzt eine Portierung seiner Mac- und Windows-Software "Comic Life" auf das "iPad" vorgestellt (wir berichteten bereits exklusiv). "Comic Life for iPad" (6 Euro, "iOS 4.3" oder neuer) kommt mit zehn Templates und 67 Fonts und bietet im wesentlichen die gleichen Funktionen der Desktop-Versionen.