hints & tips, links // 2011.01.24 08:10:23 [hh]
"VideoPix": auf dem "iPhone" Bilder aus Videos extrahieren
In manchen Situationen ist es besser, Videos statt Bilder aufzunehmen und dann später die besten Bilder zu extrahieren (im Fachslang: Video Frame Grabbing). Eine kleine "iPhone"-App namens "VideoPix" von Mirage Labs (0,79 Euro) hilft dabei.
"VideoPix - iOS first Video Frame Grabber with inbuilt video player is the only app that allows you to:
- Grab perfectly timed pictures from videos in seconds. Mine the perfect pose of your loved ones from video shot by iPhone camera. Get unlimited screencaps of your favorite stars or celebrities from videos loaded through iTunes file sharing.
- Replay video with sound in slow motion, normal rate, or fast motion; pause, navigate forward/backward single frame at a time to analyze what's happening around your favorite scenes in the video. Ideal for action replays or analyzing golf swing, billiards shot and many other sports.
So, if you are an amateur photographer who loves taking perfectly timed photographs, Or a sports fan and use the camera to take pictures of your child scoring that home run or a Golfer and want to analyze your golf swing, Or a person who loves taking awkward and funny poses of your friends, Or want to take pictures discreetly to capture that face from the crowd -- VideoPix is the app for you!
VideoPix also gives an option to import upto 1080p video(in MP4/MOV file format) on iPhone 3GS/iPhone 4/iPad or iPod touch 3G/4G from computer using File Sharing through iTunes. Now you can play upto 1080p videos on your iPhone or iPod touch and also grab perfect frames from them in resolution 1920x1080.
VideoPix automatically embeds correct geo tag and Date/Time information in the pix saved to camera roll by copying them from the source video. You can open the saved pix in Photo Albums and view them by location in maps. You can also upload the pix to your Facebook account from within the app."
Direkter Link: itunes.apple.com/ de/ app/ videopix- video- frame- capture/ id399250641? mt=8#