news, feature // 2009.10.07 08:31:09 [hh]
Apples Haltung bezüglich Adobes "Flash Player" ist in weiten Teilen unverständlich. Apple setzt in seinen eigenen Web-Services konsequent auf DHTML ("Dynamic HTML") an stelle von Flash. Zuletzt hat Anup Murarka, Adobes Director für die Flash Platform Strategie, verkündet, daß der Ball bei Apple liege, um Adobe bei der Umsetzung fürs "iPhone" zu helfen. Dieses Taktieren auf beiden Seiten klingt nach technischem Remis und ist mal wieder schlecht für die Endkunden. Doch jetzt hat Adobe auf der "Adobe MAX" Konferenz ein Ass aus dem Ärmel gezaubert: aus "Flash Pro CS5" (eine Public Beta wird es "noch in diesem Jahr" geben) compilierte native "iPhone"-Apps. Klingt unglaublich. Ist wahr. Bereits acht "ActionScript 3" generierte Apps (darunter "Chroma Circuit", "South Park Avatar Creator", "Fickleblox", "Red Hood") befinden sich im "App Store". Screen2.0 hat alle Hintergrund-Infos parat, inklusive aller Links.
Murarka in der "Macworld": "Unfortunately we have no news for you there. As we've said before, we need additional support and cooperation from Apple to get Flash on the iPhone."
Alle Fragen und Antworten zu "Apps for iPhone"
When will Adobe Flash Platform tooling support building applications for iPhone? A public beta of Flash Professional CS5 including support for building applications for iPhone is planned for later this year. Sign up to be notified when the beta is available.
How does the Flash Platform tooling update help developers? The tooling update allows developers to use Flash technologies to develop content for iPhone and iPod touch, devices that were previously closed to them. Developers can write new code or reuse existing web content to build applications for iPhone. Because the source code and assets are reusable across the Flash Platform runtimes,—Adobe AIR and Flash Player—it also gives developers a way to more easily target other mobile and desktop environments.
How is this different from Adobe Flash Player 10 coming to iPhone? Will iPhone users be able to view web content built with Flash technology in the iPhone browser? The new support for iPhone applications in the Flash Platform tooling will not allow iPhone users to browse web content built with Flash technology on iPhone, but it may allow developers to repackage existing web content as applications for iPhone if they choose to do so.
Flash Player uses a just-in-time compiler and virtual machine within a browser plug-in to play back content on websites. Those technologies are not allowed on the iPhone at this time, so a Flash Player for iPhone is not being made available today.
Flash Professional CS5 will enable developers to build applications for iPhone that are installed as native applications. Users will be able to access the apps after downloading them from Apple’s App Store and installing them on iPhone or iPod touch
Can applications for iPhone built with Flash Platform tooling be delivered through Apple’s App Store? Yes. Developers can deliver applications built with Flash Platform tooling just like any other iPhone application. This will require the developer to be a member of the iPhone Developer Program and follow the program guidelines.
Do developers need to participate in Apple’s iPhone Developer Program in order to develop or deploy applications for iPhone using the Flash Platform tools?
Yes. A developer certificate from Apple is required in order to test and deploy applications to iPhone. Apple provides information on its developer programs at
Are applications for iPhone built with Flash Platform tools interpreted at runtime?
No. iPhone applications built with Flash Platform tools are compiled into standard, native iPhone executables, just like any other iPhone application.
Can applications load SWF files or other code at runtime, such as a module from a website? No. iPhone applications built with Flash Platform tools are compiled into standard, native iPhone executable packages and there is no runtime interpreter that could be used to run ActionScript bytecode within the application.
Which version of the iPhone SDK/operating system is supported by the applications? Applications can be built targeting iPhone OS 3.0 and later.
Will applications built with Flash Platform tools work on iPod touch? iPhone 1.0? iPhone 3G? iPhone 3GS? Applications should work on all iPhone and iPod touch devices. However, as the hardware specifications of the devices are widely divergent, content performance may vary between devices and device generations.
Mit Prerelease-Version von "Flash Pro CS5" generierte Apps und weitere Infos in den Blogs der Adobe-Flash-Evangelists
"Photoshop"-Produktmanager John Nack: "As of today, participants in the Adobe pre-release program have submitted 8 applications and all of them have been accepted into the App Store. The applications are: 'South Park Avatar Creator', 'Digg Pics', 'Chroma Circuit', 'Just Letters', 'Trading Stuff', 'Red Hood', 'Fickleblox', and 'That Roach Game'.
Following the announcment at MAX, additional applications have been submitted including the Acrobat Connect application.
So, what about running Flash SWF files directly on the iPhone? The iPhone SDK License does not currently allow runtimes such as Flash Player or Adobe AIR. Hopefully Apple & Adobe will be able to work together on a solution in the future.
Before I get an earful about the Flash Player's CPU & battery usage, note that on mobile devices, "engineers have increased Flash's operating performance by 87 percent and reduced memory consumption by 55 percent" (more info). Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch said that Flash performance on mobile was "not very good," and that video was "more like a slideshow than a video." He then demonstrated excellent new hardware acceleration for Flash Player 10.1 on mobile, as well as solid multitouch support.
I'm not directly involved with these efforts, so your best sources of details are likely to be Adobe evangelists like Mark Doherty, Ted Patrick, and Mike Chambers."
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