

news // 2008.08.07 08:14:45 [hh]

"SwitchBoard": AIR-Anwendung als Scripting-Zentrale für die "Creative Suite"

Adobe Systems bietet jetzt einen neuen Pre-Release auf "Adobe Labs": "SwitchBoard" ist eine erweiterbare Cross-Plaform-AIR(Adobe Integrated Runtime)-Anwendung (Windows, Mac OS X), welche Kreativ-Workflows in der "Creative Suite" mittels Adobes Flash-, HTML- und JavaScript-Anwendungsplattform automatisieren hilft. Das "SwitchBoard Software Development Kit" kann jetzt kostenlos von der Web-Site des Software-Herstellers herunter geladen werden.

Die englischsprachigen Informationen des Herstellers:

"Now AIR applications can drive the Creative Suite!
In 2007, Adobe announced Adobe AIR™ - the Adobe Integrated Runtime - for creating stand-alone web applications based on the web standards of HTML, Flash, and Ajax. The AIR environment allows developers to create dynamic, appealing, cross-platform applications. Now, with the Adobe technology code-named SwitchBoard, AIR applications can communicate with applications in the Adobe Creative Suite.
SwitchBoard brings together the power of the automation in the Creative Suite applications with the potential for third parties to extend the creative process with new applications produced using AIR. The result is an extensible, powerful, cross-platform environment that can quickly adapt to today's rapidly changing creative workflows.

Weitere Informationen: wiki/ index.php/ SwitchBoard

