

news // 2008.06.10 08:24:09 [hh]

Adobes "kuler" kann jetzt Farbeschemata aus Bildern extrahieren

Adobe Systems hat jetzt seine Online-Anwendung "kuler" aktualisiert. Die Farbschema-Community bietet jetzt in Version 2.1 die Möglichkeit, Farbpaletten direkt aus eigenen und in "Flickr" gehosteten Bildern zu extrahieren.

Dazu Sami Iwata, Adobes Product Manager für Emerging Creative Technologies (ECT):
"Building on the new color extraction feature (generate a color theme from any uploaded photo or other image), we have integrated the 'Flickr' online photo sharing application. This adds another way for users to create themes and find inspiration using their own or other people’s Flickr images, which, in turn, creates an even greater pool of interesting new themes for our Creative SUite users."

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