

news // 2008.05.06 08:38:47 [hh]

Adobe kündigt "Open Screen" Initiative an

Adobe Systems hat heute das "Open Screen Project" angekündigt, welches zum Ziel hat, Flash- und AIR("Adobe Integrated Runtime")-basierende RIAs auf alle Endgeräte (inklusive TV, Handys, Handhelds und Entertainment-Geräte) zu bringen. Bei der Initiative sind Technologie-Unternehmen wie ARM, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, Intel, LG Electronics, Marvell, Motorola, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba und Verizon Wireless, sowie Content-Anbieter wie BBC, MTV Networks und NBC Universal mit an Bord.

Der "Flash Player" und die "Adobe Integrated Runtime" (AIR) sind derzeit nur für PCs in voller Funktionalität verfügbar, sowie in abgespeckter Version ("Flash Lite") für manche Handys. Das beschränkt natürlich die Inhalte-Anbieter, Telcos und Geräte-Hersteller.

Der "Flash Player" und zukünftig auch "AIR" sollen für eine konsistente Umgebung für Entwickler und Desigenr auf verschiedenen Endgeräten sorgen.

Adobes Cheftechnologe Kevin Lynch glaubt an eine Win-Win-Situation für alle Beteiligten: "To support this mission, and as part of our ongoing commitment to enable web innovation, we are expanding the open access to Adobe Flash technology, accelerating the deployment of content and rich Internet applications (RIAs). This includes:

Expanding the reach of Flash technologies across both desktops and devices will open up significant growth opportunities for Adobe and our partners, driving greater demand for our tools, servers and services.  A more open and consistent platform for developers will also drive rapid innovation and vastly improve the user experience.  This move also strengthens our Flash Player leadership, which already reaches over 98 percent of Internet-enabled desktops and more than a half billion handsets and mobile devices today.  
With the recent move of the Mobile and Devices Business Unit into the Experience and Technology Organization, we are already aligned to capitalize on this Open Screen Project opportunity. Thank you to the many people and the hard work that helped make this move possible.  This is a very exciting time for us and I look forward to working with you and our industry partners to make the Open Screen Project a reality for our customers and users around the world."
Weitere Informationen: openscreenproject

