news // 2008.06.04 08:35:57 [hh]
Adobe Systems hat seine "Adobe"-Produkte runderneuert. "Acrobat 9" (das in den Varianten "Standard", "Pro" und "Exended" kommt) bietet jetzt Flash-Integration in PDF-Dokumenten, verbesserte Workgroup-Funktionen, sowie "Portfolios" (Archive aus diversen Medientypen wie 3D-Objekte und Filme). Zeitgleich hat das Unternehmen seine Public Beta von veröffentlicht, einer "Suite von Hosted Services rund um Kommunikation, Produktivität und Kollaboration", welche auch die von Adobe aufgekaufte Online-Textverarbeitung "Adobe Buzzword", das Web-Conferencing-Tool "Adobe ConnectNow", sowie das File-Sharing-System "Adobe Organizer" (ehemals "Adobe Share"), sowie APIs für Dritte umfassen.
Adobes Acrobat-Developer-Evangelist Lori de Furio über "Acrobat 9":
"I truly believe that this release of Acrobat (and Adobe Reader) will be a "game changing" event -- just like desktop publishing in the 1980's and web publishing in the 1990's.
The marriage of Flash and PDF (just like the marriage of Macromedia and Adobe) creates a union stronger than the separate parts. That’s right – the Adobe Flash runtime (based on version 9) is baked right into Acrobat and Reader. That means that any Flash content you’ve added to a PDF document on your computer – either Flash Video (FLV) or a Flash animation or application (SWF) – will just work on anyone else’s computer – as long as they’re using Acrobat or Adobe Reader 9.
We have three products in the family now -- Acrobat 9 Standard, Acrobat 9 Pro, and Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. Each product fulfills a certain market segment – for example, Acrobat 9 Standard is great for creating and distributing PDF documents and forms! That’s right – Acrobat 9 Standard has the ability to create fillable PDF forms, distribute these forms, and collect the information in a simple and streamlined fashion.
Acrobat 9 Pro (formerly Acrobat Professional) continues to be our workhorse product for people who need to work with PDF documents – either to work more closely with others, like using the commenting tools and workflows to collect feedback, to ensuring your documents are sanitized, to working with PDF documents for print production. If you want to learn more about improvements and updates to collaboration, take a look at The Same Page – a blog focused on Acrobat and Collaboration.
And the newest addition – Acrobat 9 Pro Extended – is the ultimate toolset for working with PDF documents. Acrobat 9 Pro Extended has all the capabilities of Acrobat 3D version 8, but also so much more… There’s a Video-to-Flash transcoder which allows drag-and-drop of any type of multimedia format onto Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, and it’s converted to Flash video automatically. And, Adobe Presenter – a powerful add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint, is included! This technology is so cool. It allows you to add audio, video, and SWF in a PowerPoint presentation and then save it to PDF for viewing offline. If you want a deeper look at the differences between the products check out the feature matrix.
Oh.. and one more thing... Acrobat 9 is now available in 28 languages! To see the full list you can refer to the Language Support page.
I expect to share more with you this week, and please feel free to send me comments so that I can help you understand the Acrobat 9 family."
John Dowdell über "" und die Hintergründe:
"One part is the new version of the local, native-code authoring tool, Adobe Acrobat, and the free client and browser plugin, Adobe Reader. But viewing documents in web browsers is only one small part of what Acrobat does. The desktop software is the realworld standard when people use documents together. It's installed. It's part of daily life.
Another part is Buzzword and in-browser, in-the-cloud applications. This field is newer, but Buzzword is already best-of-class. Some people say the web will replace the desktop. I don't know about that. But Buzzword, Connect and the rest are already there.
A third part is web services. There's no reason you should have to view your data through an Adobe interface. You should be able to extract your data independent of its presentation, and do with it as you see fit. Custom interfaces are a necessity these days.
Put them together and we have an in-the-browser set of document services... a native-code set of high-level document services... document servers *and* document services, all with strong collaboration, lifecycle administrative control, archiving, open-format.
Desktop authoring tools. Browser-based authoring tools. Custom-made authoring tools. Local data. Remote data. All of them working together. First time ever. A new way.
That's what strikes me most about this news. Pundits will probably go into "Buzzword vs Google Docs" or "Reader vs Preview" comparisons, but zooming in on the parts hides the outline of the whole.
Any group of people now have access to modern document publishing. There's the desktop, in-the-browser, and beyond-the-browser... there's local storage, local network storage, or cloud-based storage. All the scales work together.
If you have a computer and a connection, it costs no additional money to participate. You can manage and protect your own data, or let someone else do it. The platform supports various workflows, and does not dictate what your workflow should be.
Pundits argue "desktop vs browser" and "cloud vs local" and "own-your-data vs free-your-data", but I think needs are diverse enough that technology needs to support _all_ these choices.
This is the first version of Acrobat built after the Macromedia acquisition. It's dramatically expands what has gone before. When you look at it, look at how the various architectural sections fit together, and at PDF's existing space in the overall document ecology. I think we'll see more structures like this soon. But, the entire wider Adobe Acrobat initiative is breaking significant new ground here.
Applications aren't just on the desktop, and aren't just in the browser. They're not just stored behind the firewall, not just stored in the cloud. It's all-of-the-above. This Acrobat initiative is a new thing."
Weitere Informationen:, products/ acrobat (mehr zur Produktfamilie: products/ acrobat/ matrix.html), User Community: