news // 2008.05.19 08:21:54 [hh]
Der australische Verlag SitePoint bietet noch bis zum 12. Juni 2008 das farbige, englischsprachige Web-Design-E-Book "The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques" von Corrie Haffly als 278seitiges Acrobat PDF zum kostenlosen Download an. Interessierte User müssen für den Download ihre E-Mail-Adresse angeben.
Das Buch mit dem Untertitel "The Ultimate Photoshop Book for Web Designers" umfaßt 278 Seiten und 9 Kapitel in Farbe zu Themen rund um Web-Design mit Photoshop. So werden etwa die Erstellung von Aqua-Buttons oder nahtlose Hintergrund-Kacheln diskutiert.
Aus der Einleitung:
Who Should Read this Book?
This book is ideal for all web designers working with Photoshop: if you’re new to the application, there’s enough beginner material here to give you a great grounding in the basics, but if you’ve got a bit more experience up your sleeve, there’s coverage of a multitude of advanced tutorials for you to get your designs looking beautiful.
What Version of Photoshop do I Need?
Most of the techniques in the book will work regardless of the version of Adobe Photoshop that you’re using. However, the book is intended for web designers using Photoshop CS2, and there are some solutions that make use of the newer features in this version. Some of the shortcuts differ between versions of Photoshop, so keep this in mind if you’re working with an older version.
What's in this Book?
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Photoshop
If you’re brand new to Photoshop, come here to learn about how to get around. If you’re not brand new, you may still enjoy the time-saving tips included in these pages.
Chapter 2: Basic Skills
Build a good foundation for your use of Photoshop with these basic skills, including resizing, rotating, and hiding parts of your picture.
Chapter 3: Creating Buttons
Make buttons of every shape and style by following the solutions in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Creating Backgrounds
Create tiling backgrounds that you can use in design elements such as headings and menu bars, or even the page background itself!
Chapter 5: Working with Text
Learn to adjust type settings and make cool text effects for your next logo or web graphic.
Chapter 6: Adjusting Images
Fix, salvage, and adjust photographs that are over-exposed, under-exposed, or just dull-looking. Or, take a good photograph and make it look even better!
Chapter 7: Manipulating Images
Start with a photograph or image and add your own effects such as scanlines, reflections, and more!
Chapter 8: Designing a Web Site
Bringing all the skills from previous chapters together, this chapter shows you how to create web design mockups in Photoshop, then generate web-optimized images.
Chapter 9: Advanced Photoshop Techniques
Automate and animate! This chapter shows you how to save time when performing similar tasks on many different files, then shows you how to use Photoshop and ImageReady to create animations.
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