hints & tips // 2008.08.22 08:18:42 [hh]
Wir hatten in Screen2.0 schon Interface-Baukästen vorgestellt. Da diese Art von Tips immer besonders populär sind, hier ein weiterer: Geoff Teehan von der kanadischen Internet-Agentur Teehan + Lax (Toronto) bietet in seinem Blog einen Photoshop-Bastelbogen namens "iPhone GUI PSD", um Interfaces mit Basis-Elementen zusammen zu klicken.
Dazu Teehan in seinem englischsprachigen Blog: "Over the past few months we’ve had to create a few iPhone mock ups for presentations. The problem we’ve encountered is the lack of resources to help us design something efficiently. Up until now we’ve used a nice PSD from 320480.com but we still found ourselves having to build out additional assets or heavily modifying bitmap based buttons and widgets.
Since we know we’ll be doing more of this, we created our own Photoshop file that has a fairly comprehensive library of assets – all fully editable."
Download: teehanlax.com/ downloads/ iPhone_GUI.psd.zip
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