

hints & tips, links // 2010.09.15 08:55:06 [hh]

Noch eine UI Rapid Prototyping Toolkit für Apples "Keynote"

Um User Interface Prototypen zu skizzieren, bestehen eine ganze Reihe von Mockup Toolkits und Wireframe Libraries (wir haben bereits eine ganze Reihe vorgestellt). Das im "Smashing Magazine" vorgestellte "Keynotopia Wireframing Set" von Amir Khella ist eine weitere kostenlose Alternative zur Erstellung von Screen-Skizzen in Apples Präsentationssoftware "Keynote".

Smashing Magazine: "Lately, Apple Keynote has been gaining popularity among designers as a wireframing and prototyping tool. Features like multiple slide masters, styles, grouping, animation and hyperlinks make it ideal for crafting interactive prototypes and UI narratives. Today’s freebie, Keynotopia, is a free set of interface elements for Keynote that makes it possible for anyone to create these prototypes in minutes. All elements are hand-crafted in Apple Keynote, and organized in nested groups for easier manipulation and customization. The templates can be used in Keynote 09 and 08 and are designed by Amir Khella.

Start with a blank presentation, and create a new slide for each application screen. Then copy/paste elements from the wireframe templates into your slides, and edit their labels, sizes and colors. To save time, group elements together, and use master slides to share common interface and navigation components across multiple screens. Finally, add hyperlinks to enable user interaction, and use slide transitions to create cool interface animations.

Voila! You now have an interactive prototype that you can test with users, share with team members, and present to stakeholders."

Weitere Informationen: 2010/ 09/ 06/ keynotopia- wireframing- set- free- wireframing- templates- for- apple- keynote

