

links // 2012.01.06 08:50:26 [hh]

Objektorientiertes und funktionales Programmieren in "JavaScript" für Fortgeschrittene

Heute gibt es einen interessanten Link zu einem Artikel, welcher fortgeschrittene JavaScript-Konzepte wie Objekte, funktionale Programmierung und Prototypes und deren Verwendung in der Praxis anschaulich erklärt: "The JavaScript guide to Objects, Functions, Scope, Prototypes and Closures" von Sudhir Jonathan.

Sudhir Jonathan über seine Einführung: "Throughout my time writing Javascript code, I've come to realize that while I love the language to bits, it is a little difficult to understand. A lot of people have attributed this to its (admittedly not so great) design, or its obvious deviations from the paths well worn by other languages. Either way, understanding a few simple truths can go a long way with JS. What follows is the condensed and written version of the introductory class on JavaScript that I give at training programs and user groups."

Direkter Link: javascript- guide- to- objects- functions- scope- prototpyes- closures

