

links // 2011.08.23 08:58:24 [hh]

"iPhoneography": sehr sehenswerte Untergrund-Kunst aus dem "iPhone"

Daß nicht das Werkzeug den Meister macht, sondern auch aus ziemlich limitierten Möglichkeiten Großes entstehen kann, das zeigt eine von Knox Bronson zusammengestellte Online-Galerie mit Bildern, die mit dem "iPhone" gemacht wurden. "Aim well, shoot fast, and app that bitch until it sings." Eine sehr sehenswerte Serie...

Knox Bronson, Kurator der Ausstellung: "iPhoneography: an underground art form emerges from its infancy onto the global stage. Here are the pictures of the unfolding.

All works on this site are shot and processed on iOS devices only: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.

'Aim well, shoot fast, and scram.'—Henri Cartier-Bresson. 'Aim well, shoot fast, and app that bitch until it sings.' —Knox Bronson.

Welcome to Pixels: The Art of the iPhone, gallery of the most beautiful and ground-breaking iPhone art on the web and home to an ever-increasing number of visionary pioneers in the exploration and development this nascent and vibrant new medium.

We invite you to join us in submitting your best iPhonographic art to share with the world and for consideration for future gallery shows. Please read the submission guidelines and register—name, email, city.

If possible, use our new iPHone app, PixelEx, (Get it here) for much quicker submission acceptance. It's also great for browsing the site. You can also email pictures here, but no guarantees on how long it will take to put them up (we have to do one at a time!)"

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