

news // 2011.01.10 08:01:17 [hh]

"Trimensional": der erste 3D-Objekt-Scanner für das "iPhone"

Grant Schindler hat eine "iPhone"-App namens "Trimensional" programmiert, welche die Kamera benutzt, um aus den Bildern 3D-Modelle zu erstellen. Ein interessanter Ansatz. Aus dieser Richtung dürften noch eine ganze Menge interessanter Ansätze zu erwarten sein. Screen2.0 zeigt eine erste Video-Demo.

Grant Schindler über seine App: "Trimensional is the world’s first 3D scanner for iPhone. This is the Trimensional blog where Trimensional’s developer, Grant Schindler, will provide information and updates about this exciting new app.

The world's first 3D scanner for iPhone is here. Instantly capture 3D models of yourself, friends, and family, and share the amazing results with the world.

Trimensional uses both the screen and the front-facing camera on your iOS device, detecting patterns of light reflected off your face to build a true 3D model.

Not only is it incredible technology, but it's incredibly fun! Capture goofy expressions, view your face from any angle, and customize the look of the 3D rendering before sending it off to all of your friends.

So, turn out the lights, turn up your screen brightness, and get ready for your close-up as you capture 3D scans using your iPhone 4 or iPod Touch (4th Generation). For best results, an extremely dark room is required and iPhone screen brightness must be set to maximum."

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