hints & tips, links // 2011.10.26 08:42:05 [hh]
Kostenlose "Photoshop Actions" Sammlung: Neue (bzw. alte) "Moods" für Ihre Bilder
Julia Starr bietet auf dem Portal "Deviant Art" gleich eine ziemlich umfangreiche und kostenlose Sammlung von Photoshop"-Actions an, welche ohne Referenz in eigenen Arbeiten verwendet werden können.
Die Actions können in eigenen Werken verwendet werden, und zwar unter folgenden Bedingungen:
- "credit is optional
- you may use on your personal and commercial artwork
- simply download, install, apply to your image, adjust settings if desired, flatten to image, and share your artwork. :aww:
- you are not authorized to upload my original action files anywhere else. you may, however, upload a preview with a link to the original download.
- you may alter the sets and record over them for your personal liking, but you cannot give out my sets that you alter, nor may you alter and build upon the sets and claim as your own. Make your own from start to end if you want to sell and share them.
Direkter Link: night-fate.deviantart.com/ gallery/ 176425