hints & tips, links // 2011.10.06 08:52:17 [hh]
Daniel Box ("dbox") hat versucht, bekannte Effekte aus der beliebten "Instagram"-App für "Photoshop" zu adaptieren. Derzeit gibt es 13 Filter, weitere sollen in Kürze folgen.
Daniel Box zu seinem Projekt: "I recently did a google search to see if anyone had “converted” instagram filters to photoshop actions. After not finding any results, I decided to see if I could do it myself. I didn’t get a 100% exact match, but it’s pretty close.
Im starting with “Nashville” then will add more soon. Let me know any feedback. I’ll update this post when I add more."
Direkter Link: dbox.tumblr.com/ post/ 5426249009/ instagram- filters- as- photoshop- actions
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