links // 2008.07.10 08:22:05 [hh]
Wie man in "Illustrator" komplexe Infografiken anfertigen kann, das zeigt das Video "Science Machine" von Chad Pugh. In diesem Time Lapse Movie auf "Vimeo", der über 40 Stunden Arbeit an dem Poster zusammenfasst, wird sozusagen Step-by-Step erzählt, wie die Gestaltung gewachsen ist und verfeinert wurde. Interessant auch für Nicht-Grafiker.
Dazu Chad Pugh:
"This piece inspired the login illustration that vimeo commissioned from me for their redesign earlier this year; it is still in use throughout the site. The video is a condensed time lapse of screenshots over a several month period. Total physical drawing time is close to 40 hours and I'd add an equal amount of time for concept time and readying the print. A screenshot was taken every 5 seconds, which actually results in a full 18 minute video, but I shrunk it into a video under 7 minutes for entertainment's sake. The full video can be found here:
My life has changed a lot since i started this, so I thought it appropriate to include my friends, family and loved ones since they all were on my mind throughout the creative process. Enjoy!"
Hier noch ein "Bonus-Link": das Röyksopp-Video zu "Remind Me" bietet eine ähnliche Optik, mit aufwendigen isometrischen Illustrator-/Flash-Animationen.
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