links, news // 2011.06.06 08:20:07 [hh]
Das kostenlose "StencylWorks" für Mac OS X verspricht die Erstellung von "Flash"-Spielen ganz ohne Programmierung. Irgendwie. Anstelle von textuellem Code wird die Logik in diesem "Drag-and-Drop 2D Gameplay Designer" zusammengeklickt. Demnächst soll eine spezielle Version namens "iStencyl" auf den Markt kommen, welche die Erstellung von "iOS"-Spielen ermöglicht. Assets für die Spiele können von einem speziellen Online-Marketplace namens "StencylForge" bezogen werden.
"Developing games is an art form that combines four key disciplines: Code, game design, art, and sound. Very few people are masters at one of those — let alone all four. In the traditional game industry, it takes hundreds of individuals combining their specific talents to make a game that has a great design, bug-free code, beautiful art, and rich sound. In Flash, we rarely have two people, let alone two hundred.
Indie games only make money after they are completed, so there’s rarely any salaried work in this business. That means there’s no employer and no employees, which in turn means disagreements in a game’s direction are very hard to resolve. In a game company, a dispute can be settled by the project leaders, but in a world without regular paychecks or an office, small issues can halt an entire project. If you do this for a living, one major halted project could be the end of your career.
So we’re caught in a very tricky paradox. Working in teams can be prohibitively difficult. At the same time, virtually no humans on the planet possess the skills necessary to create a great game completely on their own in a reasonable time frame. This very problem is what Stencyl is solving."
"The Stencyl Platform consists of three parts — StencylWorks, StencylForge and Each plays a role in helping you "find the fun" starting from a game's conception all the way up to publication and beyond.
We’re already working hard on the next-generation versions of StencylWorks and StencylForge (our game assets marketplace), and we’re already privately testing iStencyl, our iOS game exporter for Mac and PC. Rest assured, these will all arrive this year, and we will share more as they come closer to completion."
Direkter Link: stencylworks/ overview
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