

hints & tips // 2012.02.02 08:53:21 [hh]

"TextExt"-Plug-in für "jQuery": Tags, Autocompletion, Platzhalter und AJAX für HTML-Textfelder

Das unter MIT-Lizenz publizierte "jQuery"-Plug-in "jQuery TextExt v1.2.0" erlaubt die optische und funktionale Anpassung von konventionellen Text Input Feldern an eigene Bedürfnisse. So können etwa Textanfänge automatisch vervollständigt werden oder Tags in Form kleiner Etiketten hinzugefügt werden.

"jQuery TextExt"-Autor Alex Gorbatchev über seine kleine sehr sinnvolle Erweiterung: "TextExt is a plugin for jQuery which is designed to provide functionality such as tag input and autocomplete.

The core design principle behind TextExt is modularity and extensibility. Each piece of functionality is separated from the main core and can act individually or together with other plugins.

TextExt’s modular design allows you easily turn a standard HTML text input into a wide range of modern, tailored to your needs input field without bloating your source code and slowing down your site with the code that you aren’t using.

A wide number of plugins are available including Tags, Autocomplete, Filter, Ajax as well as a few which are purely aesthetic like Focus.

Please refer to the manual for the full API documentation and examples."

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