news, links // 2010.06.30 08:54:53 [hh]
Die Meßergebnisse von DxO Labs, welche in das Profi-Rohdaten-Konvertierungs-Werkzeug "DxO Optics Pro" wandern, können neben den Messungen zur Bildqualität von Kameras nun auch auch inklusive Objektiv-Profilen auf DxOs Benchmark-Web-Site "DxO Mark 2010" (vormals: "DxOMark") abgerufen werden. Die Site bietet Testwerte für über 540 Kamera/Objektiv-Kombinationen auf Basis der Analyse von RAW-Daten aus Testbildern.
Die Informationen des Unternehmens: "Lens Measurements and Scores now available! Building on the success of DxOMark, DxO Labs extends its website to include Lens scoring from objective RAW-based performance data.
On June 22, 2010, DxO Labs annonced DxOMark 2010, the new version of its successful website, adding objective RAW-based lens performance measurements to its existing database of camera sensor measurements. DxOMark 2010 also proposes fifteen different DxOMark Scores to assess the various aspects of image quality and to help rank and compare lenses and cameras.
Freely accessible, DxOMark is designed to serve the entire imaging community, particularly serious and demanding photographers along with photography experts and journalists.
About the new DxOMark 2010 Measurement Database
Initially covering about 540 cameras-lens combinations, with dozens to follow each month, DxOMark measurement database is the ultimate source of objective, independent metrics on camera image quality. In order to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of its database, DxO Labs, an industry leader in Image Quality Evaluation, performs all measurements in its own labs, never relying on any manufacturer data. DxO Labs uses state-of-the-art equipment and open measurement protocols compliant with international and industry standards.
DxOMark measurements are performed on RAW images and are specific to each lens-camera combination. As a lens can produce significant differences in image quality performance when coupled with different camera bodies, DxOMark evaluates lens-camera combinations instead of just testing lenses and bodies on their own. This enables photographic equipment evaluation and comparison that correspond to real condition of uses.
About the new DxOMark 2010 Scores
To complement the lens and camera sensor Measurement Database, DxOMark also proposes fifteen Scores to help users to quickly assess and compare the intrinsic RAW performance of lenses and cameras. These Scores are based either on photographic Use Cases such as Travel, Portrait, Landscape, etc., or key optical Metrics such as Resolution, Distortion, etc., allowing fair and objective comparisons of photographic equipment within the context of specific needs."
Direkter Link: index.php/ en