

links // 2009.08.25 08:15:18 [hh]

"Business Catalyst": Web Hosting und Content Management System mit Provisionsmodell

Ein interessantes Konzept verfolgt der US-amerikanische Anbieter Good Barry mit seinem Web-Service namens "Business Catalyst". Der Web-Service bietet Hosting und Content Management und bietet Web-Designern ein Provisionsmodell, um auf dessen Servern Kundenprojekte umzusetzen.

So schildern die Macher selbst ihren Service: "BC is the all-in-one product that makes life easier and business more profitable. We're replacing 10+ tools that are essential for internet businesses with one - that's why life is easier. No more moving data between a handful of separate solutions. No more remembering 10 log ins for different products. No more wrestling with code and techie stuff. With BC, you've never been closer to your business. Know your customers better, track their actions easier, react faster and keep your fingers on the pulse. That's how BC makes businesses more profitable - by connecting business owners with their businesses, better."

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